söndag 19 februari 2012

To Forgive

Everyone has felt sad and depressed sometime and it can be many things that cause sadness. I know that alot of people wants to be forgiven and they can be through God, confess your wrong doings that you know you've done wrong and the ones that you don't know of. Remember that you shall think how you would feel yourself if you say or do something to someone. Feeling guilt maybe doesn't occur everyone but it is nice to say: I'm sorry even though you might think you haven't done anything wrong. Sadness visits everyone sometime and when that happens you don't want it to stay there long, do you? Everyone is different so people can get sad by things that you might not get sad by. Thats why It is good to think about the other person. There are probably many people in the world that have hardships while trying to say sorry. Even though you might act all nice and that afterwards the sadness might still linger on the other person. But a ''sorry'' without feelings is just a word. God wants us to forgive and love each other. It can be hard so pray to God for help..!

Words by Olivia.

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