måndag 20 februari 2012

Do Not Judge Or Hate

Sometimes people annoy you and you feel like they are obstacles destroying your life, i've felt like this many times, i had a good friend that i liked alot at 6th grade i saw him as a brother and a bestfriend, days passed and we were already at Seventh grade, i became really shy and weak at Seventh grade, i didn't know how to approach my bestfriend, i even stopped saying "hi" to him, and that really pissed him off so he started to bully me Online, that made me dislike him alot, i even hated him for a second but then i remembered  that god said to not hate your enemies but to love your enemies, it even made me realize that there wasn't anything wrong with my bestfriend but with me, i said sorry to him and i even started to talk to him afterwards, this made me realize that i couldn't  judge people because i wasn't better myself, and even Jesus didn't come to judge, i even got really annoyed today because of my big sister, she kept pushing me to update this blog when i didn't want to, i really couldn't stand her temper it was so irritating, but i sat down and taught for a while, i taught that maybe it was god sending her to push me update this blog and that i didn't have to be mad at her, because it might be her way of talking to me and if i think she's annoying i shouldn't dislike her i should pray for her and ask god to calm down her temper and even my own temper, because we always think that there's something wrong with other people when we aren't better ourselves, i mean who are we to judge others, if you know someone that annoys/ irritates/  you, or makes you cry,  don't hate that person pray for them, love them, bring them to god, because if people are mean to you it means that they have problems and only god can solve their problems s bring them to god, ofcourse i love my sister,she have taught me alot about god, even if she annoys me, she have a really nice personality, and if she was a bad person she wouldn't teach me about god, so people don't hate, don't curse , don't ignore, love, bless and help instead and you will be blessed yourself

Words by Sarah

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