måndag 2 april 2012

Feeding On The Wrong Things

Did you know that God gave us music? I don't mean the kind of celebrity music like: Rihanna, Lady Gaga and so on. He gave us music and melodies for us to enjoy. Non-believer celebrities these days have lyrics to their songs. Most of them are about: Relationships, clubs, alchohol and sex. What you don't know is that songs affect us in some way. Have you ever got a song stuck in your head? The media is filling you with things that won't help you. It's like your ears are garbage cans to fill those songs (trash) in your ears. For an example... Have you ever gotten a sunburn? You don't see what the sun is doing to your skin. Thats the same with the music. It affects you in some way. Another example.. When you spend time with your friends don't you start to get some habits that your friends have? I heard that some boy had played shooting games alot in his teen years and later on he went to shoot someone in real life. It was no surprise to the boy because he had already been used to kill people in the game. The things he feeded on daily became reality. So don't waste your time feeding on the wrong things! You can't see with your eyes whats happening. But spiritually it does hurt you, unless you are a believer God has protection on you because he knows that you don't know about it. But when you do know.. that doesn't mean you can keep on feeding on the wrong things. When you're a believer you're an eagle and shouldn't feed on dead meat. Eat fresh caught fish from the lake instead.
Peace~ :3

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